welcome to Captured Studios Photography

Meet the Photographer
Hello and thanks for stopping by! My name is Alisann and I have been photographing families in the Evansville and surrounding areas, for over 17 years. I started my studio in our master bedroom of a 3 bedroom 1500 square foot home and I am SO glad I did. I have met so many wonderful families (many that have become some of my closest friends.) I treasure the relationships that I have made and the opportunity and absolute joy of watching their children and families grow right in front of me.
I have been married to my husband, Justin, for 18 years and I am a mom myself to 7 amazing kids with an 8th due in February. I totally get the "delightful chaos" of daily life😄! It can be a whirlwind and crazy, but amidst the hustle and bustle, there’s so much beauty and that is what I love to capture.